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Mother defended after calling her daughter’s father ‘creepy’ over name choice for his new child

mama has been defended after she explained why she called her son’s father “ creepy ” over the name he gave to his invigorated child.

In a recent post participated to the popular “ Am I the A ** hole? ” Reddit forum, the woman – who goes by the username u/Aggressive_Buy4075 – asked if she was in the wrong for criticising the name choice. She started off her post by furnishing environment about the situationexplaining that she got pregnant with her now 10- timeold son after “ a crapulous hook- up with a friend in her medial twenties ”.

While noting that the gestation was n’t “ the most glamorous or flattering verity, ” she and her friend still “ decided to keep the child andco-parent ”. She also conceded that she and her confidante were “ noway couple ” and “ did n’t want to be one either ”.

The woman continued her post by explaining that when her friend and his longtime gal were awaiting baby, she ’d “ been probative to them both ” as much as possible, “ without crossing any lines ”. She also explained how she wanted her 10- timeold to get to know her soon– to- be partial– stock.

“ I ’ve encouraged my son to help out whenever she’s staying with them during the gestation and to bear. I ’ve also made it clear that I want the children to have a close relationship, despite having different maters , ” she wrote. “ I ’ve indeed said that if they were comfortable with it, on nights I’ve my son( and) if they ever want time alone, I ’ll babysit once they’ve the babySo my son can spend time with her stock. ”

She added that while she “ allowed everything was great ” and was agitated for her “ son to have a stock, ” that eventually changed when her friend and his mate had their baby– and she learned the infant’s name.

“ They ’d named( her) using my son’s name, ” the Reddit stoner continued. “( My friend’s galdid n’t feel to have any issue with this when she introduced the baby bold as brass. My friend sounded uncomfortable and would n’t look at me directly. I asked them what they were playing at, at which point my friend’s father said he ’d take my son down to the cafeteria to get commodity to eat and left with her. ”

The Reddit bill noted that during the discussion, her friend told her to “ calm down and not overreact ”, while “ his gal told( her) she did n’t see the issue and it was a suitable name ”. She continued to explain how she still asked the couple why they chose a name that was the same as her son’s.

“ I asked them if they ’d named the baby for my sontrying to understand the sense then, but his gal said that no it was just a suitable name she liked, ” she continued. “ I also asked if they planned to use a surname or a middle name when addressing her on a diurnal base and her response was that she did n’t see a need for that. ”

She went on to detail how she criticised the couple for their baby name choicespecifying that she told them it was a “ creepy ” decision to use the name.

“ I told them they were being ridiculous and that they could n’t do this, I also told his gal that I set up this honestly creepy and told my friend he was being spineless if he was happy to go on with this, ” she continued.

While her friend claimed to her that their son “ could use a surname or commodity, ” the woman shut that idea down by asking “ Why was it more reasonable for a girl who has used that name for a decade, to( be lowered) for her namecompared to a baby who had no conception of what a name was? ”

She concluded her post by noting that her friend’s gal call her a “ b **** ” for talking to her like that, after “ she just gave birth ”. The woman added that the new mama “ asked the nursers to remove( her), saying that( the Reddit billwas being disruptive ”.

“ perhaps my temper is running a little too hot however and I was too harsh on her when she just gave birth. It’s just so f *** ing weird, ” the woman continued. She latterly made an edit to her post, reiterating that, although it was n’t her decision to name the invigorated, her son’s name should n’t have been an option.

“ I know that what they want to name their child is their choice, they could have called her Dinosaur for all I watch but this is one name that should be off limits or acclimated, they indeed have the same surname as they’ve the same father, ” she wrote.

She claimed that she questioned her friend’s gal’s intentions in the situationadding “ commodity about it just felt vicious and deliberate, as if she’s trying to replace my son and for them both to spring it on us like that at the first meeting? No, that was weird. ”

The Reddit post has since amassed further than 23,800 upvotes. In the commentarycompendiums went on to defend the woman and question the couple for using the same name as her son. They also described what implicit issues could arise when two half– siblings have the same first and last name.

“ From the outside it sure reads like she wants to replace her mate’s affection for his first son with his new baby. Of course it’s creepy, ” one wrote, while another added “ And the suggestion that the 10 time old should use a surname? Wow. Talk about audacity. ”

“ Imagine two girlssame namesame megacityconceivably near enough to attend the same high academy ultimatelysame parent. Imagine one has a leave, or commodity that comes up on a background check for employment, ” a third wrote. “ Or can call and pierce accounts that just need an ID with the name on it and do n’t corroborate SSN or biometrics. ”

Other people continued to claim that the couple’s name choice was “ manipulative ”, while encouraging the original bill to take legal action against her son’s father.

“ Worse than creepyCalculated and manipulative. She wants to get relieve of OP and choose the nuclear option by attacking her son, ” one stoner claimed.

“ While no name can be claimed, this is a move full of hate and malignancy, ” another wrote. “ I would tell your son’s father that you’ll be going for full guardianship of your son and taking him for child support because you can no longer trust him to do the right thing by your son, how can you trust that he would n’t allow his gf to treat your son inadequately grounded on this geste . ”

The Independent has communicated u/Aggressive_Buy4075 for comment.

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